Spotlight on Morah Bryna Cohen: 11 Years of Dedication at JOS
Spotlight on Morah Bryna Cohen: 11 Years of Dedication at JOS
At JOS (Jewish Online School), we are blessed to have passionate educators who inspire and guide our students around the globe. One such educator is Morah Bryna Cohen, who is celebrating an incredible milestone this Chanukah: 11 years of teaching at JOS! In honor of this achievement, we had the privilege of sitting down with Morah Bryna to learn more about her journey, passion for teaching, and what makes her love JOS so much.
11 Years and Counting
When asked how long she’s been with JOS, Morah Bryna shared with a smile, “It’s coming up to 11 years on Chanukah!” Over the past decade, she has touched the lives of countless students, teaching them not just the alef-bet but also a deep love for Judaism.
The Most Rewarding Part of Teaching
What keeps Morah Bryna inspired after all these years? It’s the transformation she sees in her students.
“The most rewarding part of my job is literally seeing the kids go from not knowing anything about Judaism or alef-bet to loving who they are as a Jew and taking pride in what they have gained,” she explained.
One story she shared truly highlights the impact of her dedication:
“I once taught a boy who lived in the middle of nowhere, on an army base. At the beginning of the year, it was a challenge to even get him to attend class. But as time progressed, and as I built a closer connection with him, he began participating more and more. By Pesach, his father shared how amazed he was to see his son confidently discussing the Parsha with their Chabad house rabbi. It was a moment of pure nachas for his family—and for me too.”
Life Beyond Teaching
When she isn’t teaching, Morah Bryna loves spending time with her family, cooking, baking, and playing the piano. These hobbies bring balance and joy to her busy life.
Teaching Essentials and Favorite Subjects
What’s her must-have teaching tool? “It sounds funny, but my double screens! I used to teach on a tiny laptop, and now I can’t go back.”
Her favorite subject to teach is Yomim Tovim and Yehadus (Jewish life):
“It’s very real and relatable to these neshamos (souls) that are so thirsty for knowledge.”
A Unique Connection with Students Worldwide
One of the things Morah Bryna loves most about JOS is its global reach:
“I always tell my students how special JOS is. We’re so unique, coming from all corners of the globe—Africa, Italy, Norway, Australia, Germany, Madagascar, Canada, America, and more—and yet we come together to learn the alef-bet and Torah. I have the privilege to teach these special neshamos, and without JOS, who knows if they would know an alef from a lamed or how to light a menorah properly?”
Her Role at JOS
Currently, Morah Bryna teaches the youngest level Hebrew Reading and Judaics classes in the Sunday Hebrew School program. Over the years, she’s also been involved in tutoring, Day School tracks, and various other Hebrew School classes.
Celebrating Dedication and Impact
As we celebrate Chanukah, we also celebrate the dedication of teachers like Morah Bryna Cohen. Her passion for education and her unwavering commitment to her students continue to ignite the flames of Jewish learning across the globe.
Here’s to many more years of making a difference, one neshamah at a time!
Thank you, Morah Bryna, for everything you do for JOS!