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  • Who is the Nigri Jewish Online School geared for?

    The Nigri Jewish Online School is geared for any Jewish child, anywhere in the world, in search of any sort of Jewish education. General tracks are taught in English, for other languages, we may be able to accommodate via Custom Classes, feel free to reach out to see if we have a teacher that speaks your language!

  • What level of previous Jewish knowledge does my child need to have in order to fit into the Jewish online school?

    Being that there are students with different levels of Jewish education and knowledge, we have FIVE unique tracks to choose from - Day School, After School, Hebrew School, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lessons and Custom Classes (tutoring)! (See below for more information on each track.)

  • What level of Hebrew knowledge does my child need to have in order to succeed in the Conversational Hebrew program?

    However much Hebrew your child currently knows, is just fine; we will pick it up from there. We offer classes ranging from beginner to advanced.

  • Help! Which program is best for me?

    If you're looking for your child to learn what is covered in a typical brick-and-mortar day school (Chumash, Parsha, Halacha, Navi, etc.), then our Day School program is perfect for you.
    • If your child attends public school but you want them to get a taste of a Yeshiva education, then choose our After School program.
    • If you want to give your child a good understanding of Jewish history and a deep familiarity with Jewish holidays and the Jewish lifecycle, our Hebrew School program is just right for you. Your child will learn the Jewish Basics and develop a love and pride in their Jewish identity.
    • If your child knows how to read and write Hebrew and wants to learn how to SPEAK Conversational Hebrew, then our Conversational Hebrew class is for you.
    • If your child is at the exciting stage in their life where they are preparing for an upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Mazal Tov! Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah classes are just what they need.
    • If you are looking for classes tailored to your child's schedule, preferred subjects, or distinct needs, we look forward to helping you create the perfect one-on-one class.
    • If you are still unsure of what program is right for your child, don't hesitate to reach out to us! We will be happy to help you find the perfect fit for your child.

  • I looked through your website and cannot find a program that's suitable for me. Do I have any other options?

    Yes! If our regular school programming cannot satisfy your particular needs, we offer Custom Classes and Tutoring that can work around your specific needs.

  • Do students of the After School learn the same curriculum as students of the Day School?

    Well, they do and they don't. While the material and approach are similar, the Day School program has classes four days a week instead of just twice a week. This has a bearing on the amount and quality of the learning. Both programs are great and each may be the right one for you, depending on your situation. Also, students of the Day School are assigned homework and tests and are given report cards.

  • What times do classes run?

    We have classes beginning at different times of the day and night. We accommodate time zones throughout the world.

  • How many students attend each class?

    We keep class sizes small so that students can benefit from personalized instruction and attention. This allows students to gain more, both in quality and quantity.

  • When does the school year begin and end?

    Our school year follows the common September through June school calendar. You can find the School calendars for each program by clicking here.

  • What will my child need in order to attend the Jewish Online School?

    Each student will need:
    • A desktop or laptop computer designated for their personal school use. Chromebooks and tablets are not allowed - their speed is usually not satisfactory and they have inhibited functionality.
    • A webcam and microphone/earphone combo headset.
    • An Internet connection that is secure and reliable.
    • Access to a printer.
    • Standard school supplies. Lined-sheet notebooks, three-ring binders, pencils, and erasers. A detailed list of required supplies is issued at the start of the school year.
    • Before the school year begins, your child will get a package of books and workbooks for the class. Please look out for this special package!

  • My child didn't learn very well using the online format when COVID hit. Why should Jewish Online School learning be different?

    This is a reasonable concern! Schools were forced to move their classes online during Covid without warning. They had no adequate time to prepare for such a drastic change in environment. Whereas, Nigri Jewish Online School was founded and designed in 2008 as a school solely meant for distance learning. We have spent many years tailoring our teaching strategies to the online environment. In fact, when Covid blew up, our teachers shared their expertise and advice on online teaching with educators around the world.

  • I'm concerned about the social aspect of online learning.

    Let's be honest. There's nothing like actual in-person socializing. That being said, we're pleased to inform you that we take many steps to enhance the social experience for our students. For instance, teachers work with cooperative learning methods. They assign group projects to promote student interaction. We also encourage our students to stay on-screen during recess and spend time together.
    Beyond the classroom, we offer many extracurricular programs. We host paint night, pajama parties, and Challah baking events. We also organize Mishloach Manot Purim basket exchanges and much more. These activities give our students frequent opportunities to meet and socialize virtually with fellow students worldwide!

  • My child's Bar/Bat Mitzvah crept up on us and now it's around the corner. Is there still hope for us to be ready on time?

    You're right! There's so much to learn and so much to do in preparing for such an important milestone so of course, a timely preparation is best. Luckily, our teachers have many years of experience and when necessary they can do an expedited Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation.

Thank you so much for accommodating Asa with his learning. Baruch Hashem, he had two classes with Rabbi Mendel and he really enjoyed it. He said that he isn't bored, and time goes very fast. We are very grateful. Thank you!

Batya and Yehoshua
Los Angeles, California