The first day of school is always filled with excitement, nerves, and so much newness.

Wednesday was the first day of school for Jewish Online School. 

I had the chance to join a few classrooms and I can tell you this; had the virtual halls of JOS been brick and mortar, they might have burst with enthusiasm.

I saw little Moshe’s beaming smile as he spun the wheel in a get-to-know-you game. I noticed Rivka eagerly raising her hand to share her dream of becoming a veterinarian. And Jacob practically leaping out of his seat to show off his brand-new background for the year.

The warmth and enthusiasm of the teachers quickly spread to the students, who opened their new books and prepared to learn Torah together. 

It was truly a sight to behold.

I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of an organization that makes it possible for every child - no matter where they are, to learn Torah and grow in their Judaism.

Here’s to a year full of growth and learning for our children—Lechayim!