The Jewish Online School (JOS) recently hosted two inspiring Siddur Parties to celebrate the dedication and achievements of its Level 1 students. These special events highlighted the students’ hard work and commitment to their Jewish education. Mazel Tov to all our remarkable students on this significant milestone!

The first celebration was for our day school students: Levi Chaim, Ezra, Yair, Aliza, Mimi, and Batsheva. The second event was dedicated to children from public schools who participate in JOS’s after-school program: Netzach, Gabriel, Raphael, Chaim, Amalya, Eliana, Mia, Rayzel, and Ariella. Each group enjoyed their own unique celebration, reflecting the joy and pride of their accomplishments.

In preparation for the parties, each student received a thoughtfully curated Siddur Party package. This package included a Siddur, a certificate, a festive backdrop, and a crown. The students worked diligently to learn how to read the prayers in their Siddur and understand their meanings, readying themselves for this significant event.

The virtual Siddur Parties were filled with excitement and pride. During the events, parents expressed their deep appreciation for the teachers' dedication. One parent noted how they consistently received follow-up emails whenever their child was absent, ensuring personalized attention to their progress. M.L., a staff member, also praised the celebrations: “Mazal Tov to the teachers and class for your class Siddur Party. It was So beautiful, personal, and positive!”

As the students proudly received their Siddur and certificate, the atmosphere was charged with joy and accomplishment. Each celebration was a testament to the students’ dedication and the supportive role of their families and teachers. The festive backdrops, crowns, and personal recognition made the events memorable highlights in their educational journey.

These Siddur Parties were a heartwarming reminder of the vibrant, supportive community that surrounds our students. They are not just milestones but a reflection of the students' growing connection to their Jewish heritage. May this achievement be the first of many as they continue to embrace and cherish their Torah learning.